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Satellite programs

Gnarly Neighbours Satellite Programs in Seymour, Victoria

Strengthening Communities Together
Gnarly Neighbours is proud to offer a range of satellite programs throughout Seymour, developed in collaboration with local councils, organisations, and skilled program facilitators. These initiatives are designed to extend our reach and enhance the impact of our community work.
Program Highlights:
  • Diverse Partnerships: Working together with local councils and community organisations to tailor programs that meet the unique needs of different areas.
  • Expert Facilitators: Programs are led by experienced facilitators who bring specialised knowledge and enthusiasm to each session.
  • Community-Focused: Each program is designed with the community in mind, aiming to provide meaningful and accessible activities for all participants.
Why Participate:
  • Enhanced Accessibility: Programs are available in various locations, making it easier for more community members to get involved.
  • Skill Development: Participants have the opportunity to learn new skills, enhance personal development, and engage in lifelong learning.
  • Networking Opportunities: Meet and connect with like-minded individuals who are committed to making a difference in Seymour.
Gnarly Neighbours is committed to expanding our support and services beyond our primary location to foster a stronger, more connected community. Check out our upcoming satellite programs and find one that fits your interests and schedule. Join us in making Seymour a better place for everyone!
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